Product Information
Where can I buy products in bulk?

BJs, Amazon, Sam’s Club Website, and some Nutrition/Health stores

Where can I find specific Bang Energy flavors in my area?

Please visit our “Where to Buy” section on our website to find a list of stores that sell Bang Energy product in your area.

What should I do if I have a question about a Bang Energy product?

If you have a question about a Bang Energy product, please contact us.

How do I submit a product suggestion?

Unfortunately, we do not accept unsolicited submissions of ideas or other creative materials. Our policy is set forth in full in the "No Solicitation" section of the Bang Energy website terms and conditions.

Are Bang Energy products vegan?

Yes, Bang Energy products are vegan.

Are Bang Energy products gluten-free?

Yes, Bang Energy products are gluten-free.

Are Bang Energy products suitable for everyone?

Bang Energy labels state that Bang Energy products are "recommended for 18+" and that they are not recommended for children, people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women or women who are nursing. Please contact us if you have questions about a specific product, including questions about allergen information.

Corporate Opportunities
How can I purchase a Bang Energy fridge?

Bang Energy fridges are only available to retail stores who carry out Bang Energy products.

How can I sell your products in my store? Where can I submit a sales proposal?

Please fill out the Sales form. Once your request has been submitted, please allow 3-5 business days for a response.

How can I become a distributor?

Bang Energy has an exclusive distribution partner. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Sponsorship Opportunities
What does Bang Energy sponsor?

Bang Energy sponsors music, lifestyle ambassadors, and multicultural celebrations

Event Opportunities
How do I request for Bang Energy to attend my event?

Please submit your event request on our form. Detailed proposals must be submitted at least 10-12 weeks in advance. Our Bang Energy Marketing Team will reach out to you directly if they wish to further pursue the opportunity.

What type of events does Bang Energy sponsor?

We attend and sponsor events that are within our core demographic. We like to be involved in music festivals, pool parties, after-parties, lifestyle-focused events, influencers events, multicultural events

General Inquiries
How can I become a Bang Energy Influencer/Ambassador/Content Creator?

If you are interested in becoming a Bang Energy Influencer, ambassador, or content creator you are encouraged to fill out our Ambassador Application form, linked here: Become an Ambassador.

Where can I locate employment opportunities? – (HR)

All Bang Energy's career opportunities can be found at https://www.monsterenergy.com/careers/. Bang Energy is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. If you meet the requirements for any of our open positions, you are welcome to apply!

Can I advertise for Bang Energy if I wrap my vehicle?

We do not allow advertising and/or Bang Energy trademarks to be used on privately owned vehicles. All vehicles used at events and for promotions are owned by Bang Energy and are driven by our employees.

I received an offer to wrap my vehicle in a Bang Energy advertisement and get paid. Is it a legitimate job offer?

The offer you received is not from Bang Energy. It is part of a scam, and we urge you not to participate or respond. Additional information about the scam maybe found on the Federal Trade Commission's website at www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/how-spot-car-wrap-scam.

Can I use or reproduce your Bang Energy logo?

The Bang Energy logo is a registered trademark of our company and serves as an indication of the source of our products. As such, we do not permit unauthorized third-party use of the logo.

Where can I submit a media inquiry/proposal?

Visit the contact us page to submit a Media request. Please be specific about what media aspect you are inquiring about.